What Does ‘SUP’ Mean in League of Legends?

What Does ‘SUP’ Mean in League of Legends? ‘SUP’ (short for Support) refers to the role of a suppo

What Does 'SUP' Mean in League of Legends? ‘SUP’ (short for Support) refers to the role of a support character. In the online game ‘League of Legends’, a support hero is an essential character who usually has skills to enhance teammates’ attributes or provide healing abilities, such as the shield ability of Storm’s Embrace, Janna’s E skill, or control abilities like the Q skill of a robot-like character. In short, support heroes are typically responsible for contributing to their team’s AD Carry.

League of Legends (LOL for short) is a hero battle MOBA competitive online game developed by Riot Games in the United States and operated by Tencent Games in mainland China.

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